Does Your Vehicle Have A Damaged Hydraulic Hose?

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Every vehicle has hydraulic hoses, which help control the suspension, steering, and brake systems. However, it's possible for these hydraulic hoses to become damaged and need replacement. Here are a few key things to look for that can indicate you need to replace a hydraulic hose.

Fluid Leaks

One obvious sign that you have a damaged hydraulic hose is when you see fluid leaks that form underneath your vehicle. That fluid has to be coming from somewhere, and it's likely from a hose that has deteriorated to the point where there is a hole in it. You can rule out which fluids are not related to the hydraulic system based on the fluid's color. Green and orange fluids are likely to be coolant, blue fluids are windshield washer fluid, and red fluids are from the transmission. 

Vehicle Performance

Pay attention to how your vehicle performs when steering and braking. A damaged hydraulic hose can cause problems where your brakes are not as responsive when you apply pressure to the brake pedal, or your vehicle has a difficult time turning where you have to put a lot of force on the steering wheel. While a hydraulic hose is not always a problem, it's worth taking your vehicle to a mechanic to fix it as soon as possible.

Brake Pedal Response

You likely have a good idea about how your brake pedal feels when you apply pressure to it. Pay attention to if the brake pedal responds differently over time. A bad hydraulic hose can cause a problem where the brake pedal feels soft or spongy. This is likely due to air getting into the vehicle's hydraulic system through a hole in the hose.

Odd Noises

Has your vehicle started making an odd noise when you make a turn or apply pressure to the brakes? Odd noises during these tasks are often related to the hydraulic hose. The sound may be a squealing noise or a sound like hissing, which is caused by a loss of pressure within the hose due to a leak. 

Visible Damage

It is worth taking a look at the hydraulic hoses in your vehicle and look for visible damage if you notice any of these problems. You may see that part of a hose is cracking, fraying, or bulging. You will definitely want to replace the hose to see if the problem goes away, which will tell you that a damaged hydraulic hose was the source of the problem. 
